What have I learned about taking my own classes this summer? One does run out of steam. It's not like I completely don't care anymore, but my effort level has decreased. I find that I am trying to do the minimum required in the discussion boards, while still learning something and attempting to sound engaged and sassy. I rarely return to the discussion boards after I post. Yes, I should go back and read what my classmates have to say, but I typically do not rush to do that. And when I go back, I read what people said in response to me and then maybe a few more posts after that... I like to work ahead because the deadlines loom there in the distance; I don't want to find myself scrambling to finish something at the last minute - this might be one major difference between my students and me. I am not a procrastinator, and these two classes have emphasized that part of me big time. I'm fairly certain I've been mansplained in at least one discussion board post...