Attack the Zero Monster!

{possible email this week to in-person students} Hello humans! In order to beat the Zero Monster who will show up Monday, let’s use class time Wednesday/Thursday (and the rest of the week, etc.) to create cool things and get caught up .* This battle against the Zero Monster helps us in two ways: a) I will be able to review it and give you feedback on anything that’s incomplete faster, and b) you won’t see as many zeros in the gradebook come Monday. With this goal in mind, Wednesday’s/Thursday's class will be run like a “study hall.” Come with your ear buds or headphones and be prepared to complete some things. You can ask me questions or chat with classmates about what they’re creating. I might even bring snacks! After the Zero Monster shows up next Monday, we’ll probably use our last two days in this way, too. Basically, I need work from most of you, and I want to prevent future stress. By the way, I will update the gradebook Thursday/Friday of this week with ...