Week 14 and Beyond in English 110 and English 120
Ooooffff we're in the home stretch. Mile 23 of a marathon. The bottom of the ninth inning. The 2-minute warning of the fourth quarter. From here on out, I will be pointing to the schedule and the checklists I handed out about two weeks ago. So, little bloggie, I don't know if I'll write on here for a while. I will be busy making sure the gradebooks are up-to-date as much as I can...
If there are any students visiting this site for information, please check the schedule and checklist. If you didn't get a checklist, email Sybil and nicely ask for one.
Below is the image I plan to use for "Starter Pages" when introducing new things in classes; it shows an icon of an open book, an icon of a brain at work, and an icon of an empty page with a pencil.
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