
Showing posts from December, 2022

Gummy Bears & Spring Prep.

In order to sort out the "chaos" in my head right now, regarding my different courses for spring... let's lay out everything in a few nice lists. Firstly, I should probably decide the lineup of how to go about tying the various pieces altogether: I'll wrap up the loose ends in the English 120 course first because that course is completely online; the students won't see me in-person at all. My other courses have some sort of in-person aspect, so I'd like to make sure that course is really, really ready to rock.  Then the two hyflex courses will need my attention (English 211 Creative Writing and English 238 Children's Lit),  Followed by the English 110 Hybrid and...  Eventually I'll figure out the second 8-weeks English 110 but it's not on my radar right now. Five classes. Yeah. Five preps, truly. Okay, so what sets these courses apart for Spring 2023 (recognizing that they'll be tweaked each semester, and that that is okay)? In ALL classes, I p...

A New OER Textbook - Children's Literature

Two holiday gifts for myself! One book and one web site! The #OER #ChildrensLit textbook went live this morning on Amazon: Here's where you can find the free digital versions: And, recently, I've wanted an "official" site for my teaching stuff, so here is that Google Site: + “Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless.”  – Elizabeth Gilbert