A New OER Textbook - Children's Literature

Two holiday gifts for myself! One book and one web site!

The #OER #ChildrensLit textbook went live this morning on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3BYfAVG Here's where you can find the free digital versions: https://bit.ly/238-ChildrensLitOER

And, recently, I've wanted an "official" site for my teaching stuff, so here is that Google Site: https://bit.ly/SAPTEACHINGSITE


“Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless.” 

– Elizabeth Gilbert

Background contains an old typewriter sitting on a wood table. Text in white over the top: “Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it. Work like a monk, or a mule, or some other representative metaphor for diligence. Love the work. Destiny will do what it wants with you, regardless.”  – Elizabeth Gilbert


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