
Showing posts from March, 2013

female vs. male authors...


what if...?

How many teachers only assess a percentage of what they assign? All? Some? None? What if I did that? Right now, I assess, or at least give effort points, to 99% of what I assign. What if that changed? What is blasphemous about that? Or maybe there is nothing blasphemous about it?

and I start sentences with conjunctions.

I'm a crackhead. But, like, without the crack. And I'm an English teacher who doesn't "believe in" Shakespeare. Yeah, he may as well have been Santa. But I had to read everything by him, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt. No, wait, no, no shirt, actually. Just an after effect of freaking out lit majors and starting sentences with conjunctions. Oooh, blasphemy!