With all the reflecting I do, and with how much I emphasize it in my own classes, you might think I would always refer to it as a good thing - a good process to take one's self through from time to time. But I'm second-guessing that today. You see, I have a birthday tomorrow. I found a pic from 2014 (at left below) from today. I was hours from turning 37. On the right, I snapped a selfie before heading to campus this morning, hours from turning 47. I like taking time to reflect on what has happened in years' passed. I like reflecting on almost everything in my life: what I thought when, what I used to do in my classes, what things bothered me and what things I was extremely passionate about. But today, there was a pause and a question: What if reflecting TOO much is causing me harm? So, tomorrow marks the first birthday in decades I will not have a pet. This may not seem like a big deal to most people, but I said goodbye to Sushi (my 20yo kitty) last February, and I don...