Goodbye to 2024 & it's Trifecta of Health Issues

✅ ✅ ✅ Recently, I officially wrapped up my third health hurdle: ditching an angry uterus. 😅 Earlier (May - Nov) it was skin cancer, then navigating a chaotic anxiety medication switch (Sept - Dec). Grateful to be on the other side of it all and ready to focus on brighter days ahead. Here’s to resilience and taking life one step at a time. 💪✨ #MentalHealth #SoreButHappy #TrifectaOfFun 

What did I actually accomplish in 2024, besides a trio of health struggles? NOT that I needed to be productive at all, but I did distract myself from my health stuff with the creation of two OER textbooks. They are shown in the banner below, at the far right - The Quest for Meaning (HUM 101) and From Ink to Link (ENGL 220).

I've spent most of winter break resting and healing; periodically, I've been checking in on my Intersession students (HUM 101!), as well as prepping my Spring 2025 courses. I'll have a new lineup that I don't think I've ever had before: ENGL 110 at 10am TR as well as an accelerated ENGL 110 at noon for the first 8 weeks; this is in addition to ENGL 120 at 1pm TR and an accelerated ENGL 120 fully online for the second 8 weeks. As you can guess, this is so students have the chance to wrap up their ENGL 110/120 in one semester. 

January 14 is when we start up. I'm looking forward to seeing students, guiding them in their learning, and, of course, adding more cool projects (still in the middle of revising my ENGL 110 textbook for Fall 2025) to my plate, alongside leading a very funky department. I really hope my health stabilizes, but if not, I have gained so much wisdom about my body and brain.


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