the morning hours.

I think I do my best thinking and writing in the morning hours. By 2pm, I barely know my mission in life anymore. I assessed my ass off yesterday, trying to get caught up just so I could spend this morning returning to my textbook and all its joy. I've already grey-scaled some images using since I don't want to assume that everyone who purchases this damn thing will have color Kindles or whatever. Hell, the second edition could have color and updated crap in it. That's what editions are for.

I just added a little bit to the first sidenote & to the first chapter. Introductory pieces, really, but I kept them short and funny. Semi-sarcastic in spots, but who cares? And it's my book, so there.

Oddly enough, I was super upset that my roomie decided to stain the upstairs closet doors at 9pm, but I think the lack of quality sleep mixed with the inhaling of fumes may have given me crazier stuff to write today? Maybe.

Before I jump into my noon meeting & my 1pm and 3pm classes, I'd like to seek out other images on my computer that I've created (using creative commons images or free use ones) and put them in the same folder as the ones I'm using in the book.


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