post-final-draft thoughts...

I'm either really close to being done/finished with this thing, or not. And I haven't decided if it really says what I want about a book being un-textbook-like. It should have more swearing in it, but maybe that should be the unrated version? I do have extra ISBNs, I suppose. I could do it that way.

Let's start here: What is a textbook, besides a book of text that attempts to teach the reader something? And then, since this anti-textbook is still a book with text that attempts to teach, how is it anti?

A textbook to me is boring. With not a lot of pictures. And it's not fun to read because it's boring and doesn't just get to the point. The intros are just overdone, in my opinion, and there aren't enough examples of crazy ideas. There needs to be more quotes on the sides, maybe. More dialogue, too.


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