
Why, hello, little bloggie. It's been awhile, hasn't it? So sorry.

So, since my last confession, I've taken a deep dive into OER and OEP and the open movement in general.

Here's the shortest version of the story: I'm fairly certain that at a 2013 TYCA-MW conference (at a fancy conference center in Normal, IL), I was introduced to the free Writing Spaces Volumes. I began using them soon after, and I don't think I thought much more about it...

Until the fall of 2015 when the campus was offering mini-grants for projects. At that point, I must've been thinking about writing our own textbook, and so we wrote up a proposal. In 2016, the mini-grant was accepted, but Anne left us for industry, and so that summer tasked Dana, Ronda, and I with creating Writing Unleashed. We used Adobe InDesign, and it's very "pretty," brief on boring content, heavy on student examples, and has a cute little nerd unit. We didn't know then - what I know now - about accessibility and Creative Commons license, so hopefully, our next revision will include those things.

Once that OER textbook was in rotation, I created my own creative writing textbook (Write or Left) and developed the Writing Unleashed: Argument edition for summer of 2017.

This leads me to the last few months... pondering accessibility (through the use of the Ally app in our LMS), not getting into a doctoral program so instead signing up for a free OEP Wikiversity course as well as the Creative Commons Certification course, and just generally diving into many articles and webinars thanks to Twitter (also known as a rabbit hole).


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