Ungrading and Spelling My Name.
A blurb of thoughts from yesterday:
Want to know
what’s really annoying? When you ask a question and it doesn’t get answered. And then when that is coupled with a response where your name is spelled incorrectly... oh goodness.
So, I’ve been watching the #ungrading hashtag because there’s a table discussion
occurring at the #OpenEd19 conference, and I specifically asked about whether
anyone had tried it at a two-year community & technical college. I didn't exactly get any help. But I should know better than to assume social media will solve my problems. And perhaps they're thinking, "You should've attended the conference, lady" but I foresee that the same toss-away attitude would've happened in person, too. Because I'm a newbie to all this.
Here's the thing: I have no problem giving myself more work to enable
student learning, but what happens if the same issues I've had with discipline/behaviors follow me into the gradeless
*Do students have a “right to fail" even in the gradeless world?
I was working on the creative writing class earlier and just closed those docs.
I need a break from that and a list of what’s left to be accomplished. Maybe
that’s a class where I can try ungrading? I dunno.
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