Writing Sample

Prompt: "My fairytale has nothing to do with knights on white horses or getting kissed out of a coma or finding lost slippers at midnight... No, my fairytale contains____."

My "fairytale" contains a lot of dogs. The place would be on water - a lake, preferably - and the cabin would be self-sustaining (yep, full hippie idea: solar panels and recycled rain water) with wifi and a deck for me to sit on and stare at the water from. The place wouldn't be too close to other humans, but close enough to amenities like a grocery store and a gas station. I would spend my days playing with the dogs, and caring for them, while writing and reading anything that makes me content. I may or may not have a partner who helps me with projects around the cabin - treehouses for the nieces and nephew, gardens for new vegetables, plant trees for fruit, etc. This fairytale would definitely include an outdoor shower, an outhouse, and bunkhouses for visitors.

Occasionally, I would throw a party and have a bonfire and people would float in the lake and tell stories. 


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