Ungrading Nugget #1. #Ungrading, for me, is a theory. The practice looks very different for each teacher, whether they are teaching k-12 or at a university. {The practice is a privilege for some, as I acknowledge that as a full-timer, I'm allotted more freedom than a part-time teacher.} The practice looks very different depending on discipline, too. So, two English teachers at the same community college might be using the ungrading theory, but their ways of "assessment" vary from: their use or non-use of reflections and what those look like (questions asked) and when they are assigned (beginning, middle, end or something in between) their use or non-use of grading conferences and what those look like (the prep for students) and when they are conducted (midterm, both midterm and at the end, or just the end) their use or non-use of self-assessments and what those look like (declaration quizzes* in the LMS or rubrics or reflections attached to projects) and when they are as...
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