Feedback Bootcamp Tomorrow...

So, I updated the English 120 Gradebooks, and, now, I need to pause and think about what's happening tomorrow in all classes. The Feedback Bootcamp. Just Step #1. I have audio for it, so if they want to listen and flip through slides on their phones, they can. Then they'll read a chosen article on feedback and post to a Padlet summarizing their thoughts.

+ I printed off handouts with the links to the bootcamp, the audio, and the Padlet; these handouts, for English 110, can be recycled from class to class. I'll take screenshots of each Padlet after the class time wraps up.

+ I also printed off checklists the students can fill in for Large Project 1 (both English 110 and English 120). I guess I'm intermingling auditory learning and tactile learning tomorrow? COOL BEANS.

I think Step #2 for the Feedback Bootcamp will be conducted at the beginning of next week for English 110, but for English 120, we might delay Step #2 until our first Peer Workshop session for Large Project 1?


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