All Classes During Week 7.

Hello lovely humans...

So, English 110 sees online peer review/workshop today and tomorrow (Monday and Tuesday) based on what your class time is. That means no regular f2f class session. On Wednesday/Thursday, we'll conduct optional writing conferences f2f during the regular class session, or over phone during my student-office hours, or via email. Large Project 1 and Group 2 are due Monday (Oct 11) or Tuesday (Oct 12) depending on when you have my hybrid class.

*Some students have emailed or come to class not knowing what's going on. Please try to remember to check your email, the schedule, and this blog.


I'll introduce Large Project 2 in class today to the English 120 students; they'll also complete Unit 6 in class together. I think we'll watch the Addiction TED Talk and discuss it. We'll do something similar with Unit 7 on Wednesday (Abortion TED Talk). If anyone has to miss class, please complete the units in Blackboard as a substitute.


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