Week 8 Thoughts and Summaries for English 110.

Hey humans, so it's before the 11am English 110 class, and I just looked at the gradebook. Unfortunately, not a lot of students have completed LP1 or peer review at this point in any of my three English 110 classes. I realize that the "deadline" for LP1 is tonight (tomorrow night for the 8am TR class), but I'm trying to understand why very few students completed the peer review last week when we had one class day devoted to it... and then we even had a second day to complete that, but maybe I'm overthinking it all: students are busy or sick or just waiting until tonight/tomorrow to chuck stuff online?

*I might have to push back the introduction to LP2 to Wednesday/Thursday. Maybe I should've had mini-deadlines for LP1 like I've created for LP2 (pink handout)?

I'll update this post asap with changes, and if the LP2 intro is backed up, I'll update the schedule as well.


  • As suspected, the 11am class chose to move the introduction of LP2 to Wednesday, so I'll just do that with all classes (moving the intro in the 8am TR to Thursday). 
  • They wanted to use today to work on LP1 and Group 2.
*I said I would send out the slides next week to remind them of what's going on... and I will try to remind myself to record the Intro to LP2 Wed/Thurs of this week as well.


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