You Should Be Blogging! From December 31, 2007

//HERE is just ANOTHER reason YOU SHOULD BE BLOGGING, people! Last night, I went to my personal blog and dinked around... skimmed the early months of the year to see what I was doing at the beginning of 2007. Wow. I have come along way (baby?). In fact, I hadn't remembered that I purchased my iMac this year (feels like I've had it for forever) or that I went to the GTAO conference at NDSU and had a blast. That was this year! See! It RECORDS my thoughts, my goings-on... what would I do without MY BLOGS? I have no idea. It's like how most people feel about their cell phone; what did I ever do before having blogs? Those memories are far, far away now. Lost in the caves of my neurons.//


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