Week 3 / Days 3 and 4 = English 110.
Here's the layout for Monday and Wednesday (I get to see y'all for two days finally!).
Monday, January 24:
- Journal Prompt: Are you writing cross-culturally in this classroom? Why or Why Not? Also: What kinds of writing do you think you’ll do in your future workplace?
- I am going to move things around in the schedule a wee bit. I basically want to introduce things SOONER; however, just because I introduce things earlier than originally scheduled, I will not move deadlines to earlier dates. In the schedule linked in Blackboard, I will note this with a different colored font.
- Exercise recap and work time: If you haven't started Group Zero's exercises, use today to complete the first batch. Then complete the second batch Wednesday, then the third batch over the weekend, etc. to get caught up.
- End with Google Voice # Check-In.
Wednesday, January 26:
- Journal Prompt: When have you failed at something? Did you learn from it? How do you feel about failing at writing in order to improve? Do you think it takes 10,000 hours to master something?
- Skim/chat about Chapter 2 together - What do you know about the writing process? What is your writing process? How can we use parts of this chapter for this first project?
- Introduce Large Project 1: The Project Playlist (handouts available)
- Brainstorm for Large Project 1 in class (on handout), over the weekend/until the next class time...
- Continue working on Group Zero over the weekend/until the next class time...
- End class with this video about brainstorming? It brings up processes not included in the textbook.
Next Week:
- Wrap up Group Zero.
- In that last batch of exercises, we'll dig into feedback and how to use the WWW/TAG strategies.
- Continue working on Large Project 1; we'll look more closely at citations, too.
- Introduction to Group 1.
Side Note: On Friday (January 28), I will pop into the Gradebook/My Grades area of Blackboard and see who has completed what up to this point. I plan to give feedback, so watch for that!
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