Week 6 for English 110.

We're conducting peer workshop and optional writing conferences this week. Here are the details:

  • The peer workshop can be found in the Large Project 1 tab in Blackboard - simply upload or link to your draft and then give WWW/TAG feedback to at least one classmate.
  • The optional writing conferences may occur in the classroom during regular class times or over the phone/email. Students may simply want general feedback from Sybil during these brief chats, and that's fine. However, to earn a bonus point, students should read a passage of their draft aloud to Sybil either in-person or via voicemail on her Google Voice number or office phone. Once students have read the passage aloud, they should declare their bonus point in the Large Project 1 tab with the writing conference quiz.
    • The idea of reading something aloud is to show students that sometimes conducting that sort of "nerdy" activity will allow them to hear their own errors, etc. The bonus point rewards the practice of that activity.
  • We will not have journal prompts on these two days.


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