Week 10 for English 110.

Over Spring Break, I decided to add an alternative project for Large Project 2; there are details on this alternative project (called The Fake Company Project) in Blackboard/NDSCS Online. I covered that alternative project today, as well as Group 3 (using Category C in Chapter 3.3), and we started class with the following journal prompt questions:

  • Do you learn more when you have intrinsic reasons versus extrinsic ones? Give an example…
  • What does it mean to you to know you may assess yourself and your learning in this course?
  • When have you written effectively for a situation, and not a teacher?
Based on the schedule, we'll be using Wednesday as a work day for all sorts of things: Group 2 (due tonight), Group 3, and Large Project 2 (in case students decide to complete the alternative project because it does allow groups of 3 classmates or less)... due to Wednesday being a work day, we won't have a journal prompt; however, I will be bringing visual resume examples to class for students to view. The resume genre is part of Group 3.


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