Week 2 for the Accelerated 8-Week English 110.

A draft of this week...

Monday, March 21: Journal prompt (below), recap of Large Project 1, and then work time for Group Zero/LP1.

  • What are the rules to writing that you’ve been taught? Take time to think about why those rules exist. Are they legit rules? Are they myths? Are they just ways to get people to write “one correct way” that doesn’t really exist?

Tuesday, March 22: Journal prompt(?) and then more work time for Group Zero and Large Project 1.

Wednesday, March 23: Introduce Group 1. The journal prompt is listed below:

  • When you read that “problems are normal” when it comes to writing, what is your response? What problems do you see with Large Project 1?

Thursday, March 24: Optional in-class work day. We won't have a journal prompt.

*I mentioned the TV series, Yellowstone, in class today, so that's why I've posted a Bison. I think this same photo is framed in my house.


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