English 110: Week 5 (Accelerated) & Week 13 (Full Semester).

Last fall, around Labor Day weekend, I randomly got vertigo*. It is severe at times, causing me to bump into walls, feel lots of dizziness, and deal with very strange headaches and nausea. Yep, super fun. It followed me around until after Spring Break, a little over two weeks ago. Then it disappeared. Yep, very odd. Unfortunately, it popped up and reared its ugly head yesterday morning, and it's as if it gained strength while it was "in hiding" those two weeks.

{*A theory of mine is that I had covid asymptomatically and vertigo is the after-effect? But who knows.}

  • Anyhow, since I canceled classes yesterday, yet still wanted to see what everyone was up to, I did ask my full-semester English 110 students to email me or text me (Google Voice number in syllabus) and give me an update of where they were at with their projects and groups. 
  • In an email to the accelerated course, I asked them to continue working on anything they hadn't finished yet which could've been Groups 0-2 or Large Project 1. I told them if I felt better today, I'd introduce Group 3, but that might get pushed back one more day.
Here's hoping the extreme symptoms subside today, and that tomorrow is better all around.
A gif for me:


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