3 Questions

My friend Maha recently attended a session, and three questions were asked of the participants. I’d like to try to answer those Qs for myself as my own self-assigned asynchronous activity for #MyFest22:

  • What do you volunteer for, happily? It happened today actually; I met up with someone to just chat about self-publishing. A few weeks back, I was invited to “come and chat” with some people in the Pacific Northwest about #Ungrading. I happily like to sit and talk and brainstorm with people. I love ideas.
  • What do you do well? Creating ideas, sorting ideas (yes, I took that Strength Finder survey years back), and figuring out strategies to implement them. I can usually filter out bad ideas very well, as shown when I helped plan a PD day for campus a long time ago and would take another planner’s ideas and tell her what would work and she was grateful because her strength was strategy and evaluation, not necessarily idea creation.
  • Where do you have flow? When I write. When I plan out teaching ideas. When I create cool stuff (#OER!). Maybe my next cool thing will be to copy Christina’s creative project of designing an alt-CV!


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