How CBD Has Changed My Life

This blog entry is a little out of the ordinary for me, since this blog is dedicated to teaching and learning, but my recent deep-dive into the world of CBD is helping me physically and mentally and THOSE are the parts that are important for the ultimate in teaching and learning, right? Right. 

So, ever since turning 40 five years ago, my body has started to ache more and take on other issues... and THEN when one tosses in the chaos and instability of THE WORLD, one's mental health starts to take a hit, too. My goal in seeking out CBD products was to bring my body to a happier homeostasis and to lower my dependency on NSAIDs and opioids (Xanax). More context: I do not drink alcohol regularly anymore, nor have I ever smoked weed, but in the past, I have taken ibuprophen daily for headaches and xanax for anxiety and vertigo.

Anyhow, around the beginning of this year (2022), I was reading reviews on Am*zon for some hemp something and a reviewer said that CBD can't be sold on that site since it's not legal in all 50 states. Soon after, I found the site Eden's Herbals and purchased some gummies.

It's now the beginning of June, and I've tried A LOT of different kinds of CBD combinations and products in various forms (skincare, bath salts, lotions, salves, gummies, tinctures). I'll detail what I've purchased below (so far) and what I'm taking.

I have noticed a change in my mental health (less anxiety and depression) and physical health (better sleep, less body aches, lessened digestive problems). The only issues it might not be able to solve are my vertigo and heart burn... but who cares as long as it can kill all the rest of my problems!? As I type this, my NSAID usage is down to weekly instead of daily; I wonder if I can get that to only be a monthly thing...?

SITE: Eden’s Herbals 
  • 50 gummies (20mg) for $39.99, $2/gummy
  • Cinnamon tincture
  • Eve's Apples (60mg) 20 gummies for $50
SITE: Kota Botanics (Fargo)
  • Dream gummies w/CBN 30 (25mg each) for $69.99, $2.33/gummy
  • Tranquil gummies CBD, CBG 
  • Saint Jane skincare
  • Vertly Bath Salts
  • ... other awesome things...
SITE: The Hemp Dropz Store in Fargo/EGF (also called CBD Fargo, I think)
  • Full Spectrum (has some Delta 9) 30 gummies (20mg) for $42.00, $1.40/gummy
  • Moonwlkr Delta 8 gummies - 10 for $20?
  • Nano Topical Cream
  • DeltaXL | Blue Razz Indica Delta 10 Gummy Rings 500mg = 15 gummies for $30, $2/gummy
  • Delta Extrax | Wild Cherry Delta 9 THC Gummies 100mg = 10 gummies for $20, $2/gummy
  • Eighty Six | Midnight Melon Delta 8 THC Gummies 300mg = 10 gummies for $18, $1.80/gummy
  • Delta-9 THC Gummies + CBD: Berry Buzz Sativa = $34.99 for 20 gummies, $1.75/gummy
  • They have sleep gummies, too!
SITE: Quiet Monk
  • Sample pack of 5 different CBD lotions at various potencies, $90?
SITE: Lazarus Naturals
  • Two types of salves 

THE VERDICT (a.k.a. What I Take When):
Around lunch time, or late in the morning anyway, I rotate between Eden's 20mg gummies to the full spectrum ones from CBD Fargo to the Kota Tranquil gummies. The lovely owner at Kota explained to me that the amount we might need to take is based on pain, not body size, so sometimes, I might need 20-40mg during the day AND my sleep gummies. At other times, I might need more or less than 20-40mg daily.

At night, I jump between the Dream gummies from Kota to the sleep gummies from CBD FX to the Midnight Melon gummies from CBD HUB. I take these AND rub my legs/knees/elbows in lotions from the Quiet Monk; the salves from Lazarus come in nice tins, so they might get thrown into my bag for everyday usage.

Other CBD Stuff I Want To Try:
  • The Ambari skincare from Kota (they sent me samples with my Saint Jane items, and while the Saint Jane stuff is awesome, the Ambari was slightly better) as well as the: Vertly lip butter stick, Plant People Restore Face Mask, and Lunchbox gummies...
  • Eventually, I hope to buy some topical items from Greenland CBD and/or LBC Bioscience.
I might be missing a purchase (especially from Kota - I love that store and its owner; they post on Facebook a lot), but this post outlines what's up thus far in my CBD journey. 

{Sidenote: I did purchase hemp oil on Am*zon for our old cat about a year ago when I noticed she was limping. The vet said it was arthritis and put her on carprophen, and even though I kept her on that regiment for a few months, and the drug worked, I wanted to find something less drug-based and more organic. Thus far, I have ordered two bottles of that hemp oil, and she doesn't limp anymore! That's probably what led me to reading reviews on hemp oils, etc.}


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