
I am procrastinating.

Summer school starts up in DAYS, and I am doing that thing I rarely do: procrastinating. Why? Because I'm piloting the new version of Blackboard (Ultra Experience), and I don't like it. That's all I can say about it right now.

So, my procrastination looks like this: thinking of other ideas, prepping for classes that are far off in the distance, doomscrolling on Twitter, napping... and blogging about cool things.

MyFest22 is one of the cool things. It's a mid-year festival that I've signed up to participate in this summer. Thus far, I've met some lovely people in the Taster Meeting, figured out the track I'd like to situate myself upon (Critical Pedagogy / Social Justice), and liked/retweeted some things on the Twitter.

Here are two of the ideas I shared during the three rounds of community building from the Taster Meeting:

  • Equity Gaps in Ungrading (this is prep for #UngradingCon in October): While emancipatory grading practices increase equity for groups that haven’t had privilege, they also still give advantage to those who have been privileged. Presentation will cover issues and possible solutions.

  • Compiling and Analyzing Ungrading and OER Qualitative Data: How did students respond to #ungrading (in their reflections) and how did students respond to #OER/#OEP (in the Exit Ticket)? 
  • The third idea I didn't mention (because I love 3s) during that virtual meeting was: The Idea Book (OER). I've distracted myself a lot this last school year with three (3!) #OER books, in addition to self-publishing a personal book. This fourth OER is not aimed at students, but rather teachers and instructional designers. Here are the links to the books (in final or draft forms):
Before I post this, here's a MyFest22 Slidedeck anyone can use to keep their ideas and notes. 

AND... here are some recent links to relevant slidedecks I've used in recent presentations (etc.):


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