Day 2 of English 110 - Fall 2022.

We started with a "round robin" of student names and they chose whether to state a boring fact about themselves OR what cartoon character they'd turn into (OR they could even pass on answering those inquiries).

Then I "showed off" the Ultra Blackboard shell a little bit before we jumped into the schedule. I requested that they have the Beginning of Semester Reflection, First Quiz, and Slack stuff done today, if possible. Before I handed out the Reflection on paper, I read aloud the various exercises for Group Zero (they had that handout on paper, too). I figured this might help them hear and see all of their choices before deciding which ones to create.

The last 15 minutes were aimed at working on the Reflection, Slack, and Quiz. On Wednesday, I'll introduce Large Project 1; we'll have more work time for the large project and Group Zero next week.

One of the memes shared in Slack by an 11am student:


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