Day 2 of English 120 - Fall 2022.

I have a shy group in this class, and there are only ten of them, BUT we still had a relatively good conversation regarding the first exercises in Group Zero/Chapter Zero. We completed a few from Exercises 1-3, then added to Exercise 6 together; if we have time, I'd like to do Exercise 9 together Wednesday. I might have them attempt Chapter 1's exercises on their own on Wednesday? We'll see.

I've already revised the schedule to include all of these changes.

I introduced myself a little bit better at the beginning of this class (vs last week), and I mentioned that I rarely teach this one f2f (developed the fully online in 2006!), so we'll kind of "blaze our own path." It's definitely difficult to use a fully online shell for a in-person class or vice versa. Unlike what some people want to say, online and f2f are two complicated beasts; each has their bonuses and pitfalls. I like them both for very different reasons.

And since this class revolves around argument, and we discussed controversial things today (like putting milk into a bowl first before the cereal!! WHAT?), I thought I'd share a controversial tweet:


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