Day 3 of English 110 - Fall 2022.

So, I attempted to use the large screen in my 11am class, and I guess I was using the wrong connector because we ended up flying by the seat of our pants - we did use the Slack app to brainstorm for Large Project 1, after I shared the links to the sample projects of the two options (Fake Company Project and Project Playlist). That was followed by me going through each option a little more in depth, a few students asked questions, and then they took the Large Project 1 Intro Quiz in Blackboard which confirmed that they had heard the instructions and reviewed the samples. 

I repeated this process, WITH the big screen working, for the 1pm class. Some student in class used the puke emoji on his buddy's brainstorming post in Slack, so I guess you could say the students like that app. Maybe.

{I'm posting this tweet below because I did get very frustrated with my MacBook not connecting to the large screen today, and then when it did connect in the 1pm class, it appeared that Blackboard might've crashed... so, let's just say I almost fully embraced some lalochezia.}


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