Week 6 and 7 in English 120.

Hello there! This week we're working on more units (Formal Education and Ability?), composing our first mini-argument, and finishing up Large Project 1. On Wednesday, I'll demo self-assessment of Large Project 1 as well as introduce Large Project 2, which is a unique sort of research project. We'll hopefully have some class time to brainstorm that bugger... Next Monday (Week 7 / October 3), we will tackle the unit on Sexuality and maybe play around with a meme-based slidedeck? I'll be at TYCAMW22 , so classes will not meet on Wednesday; students are strongly encouraged/expected to work on Large Project 2 (and any late work, too, of course). + The image below is a bitmoji of me, showcasing when I'm about to argue something, and I have all my evidence ready to go: