Week 3, Day 4 of English 120

In English 120 today at 3pm, we took a peek at our Exercise 9 answers (on that Padlet) from last week... then since not everyone had read Chapter 1, nor seemed caught up on the Chapter 1 Exercises, I started with a video of ethos, pathos, logos, gave more examples of each, and then we watched the three videos connected to a quiz in the Chapter 0-4 module regarding self-assessment, reflection, and feedback. I then gave them time to fill out that quiz or read Chapter 1 or complete those Exercises or start working on Chapters 2-4 for next week. 

The class is small and shy (overall), so I will need to figure out ways for them to engage in the Units coming up. I think we'll use Padlets and Google Voice and maybe even Slack to get them chatting. We'll see.


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