Week 6 and 7 in English 110.

Hello lovely humans,

So, I think I'll just refer to these weekly slides that I intend on adding to as we work through the semester. 

As you'll see in the slides above, and in brief, this week we're working on Group 1 and finishing up Large Project 1. On Wednesday, I'll demo self-assessment of Large Project 1 as well as introduce Large Project 2, which is a unique sort of research project. We'll hopefully have some class time to brainstorm that bugger...

Next week (October 3-7), I'll be at TYCAMW22, so classes will not meet; students are strongly encouraged/expected to work on Group 1 and Large Project 2 (and any late work, too, of course).

I believe the schedule shows that Group 1 is due during Week 7?


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