Week 9 in English 120.

We watched two TED Talks related to the topic of Mental Health. Wednesday will be used as a workshop day for Mini-Argument #2 and Large Project 2. I might go around and have quick chats with everyone about what research question they might have for LP2, and if they don't have one, we'll brainstorm together. Ditto for the mini-argument.

I think I might have a mini-argument in me about my uncle; that TED Talk on how what we know about addiction is wrong makes me think of him everytime.


We made mistakes with an addict; we didn't realize that the "opposite of addiction isn't sobriety; the opposite of addiction is connection" (Hari).

As a family, we could've reached out more. We could've said, "It doesn't matter if you've been drinking today or if you are drunk right now; we are here for you. Please come over and watch the football game with us."

Johann mentions not punishment for addicts, but rather helping them find a purpose, so why didn't we think to say, "We know you love cats; maybe you could be a foster for more of them and work part time at a shelter?"

As a family, we could've been role models for him. We could've stopped excusing our own drinking (because we figured we didn't have a problem like he did) and said, "We are having mocktails today while we sit around the pool; please come over and hang out with us." We could've been a sober space for him.

We made so many mistakes, and I wish I would've been more vocal on his behalf. Truly, I didn't know that the system we have in place - to punish - was the wrong one. In the future, I plan to do better on my uncle's behalf.

Works Cited

Hari, Johann. “Everything You Know About Addiction is Wrong,” TED Talk. https://www.ted.com/talks/johann_hari_everything_you_think_you_know_about_addiction_is_wrong

*I will post this mini-argument in Blackboard asap.


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