Intentionally Equitable Hospitality - IEH

I signed up for a three-part webinar series, pre-Spring semester, on the topic of Intentionally Equitable Hospitality.* Here are my random thoughts and connections, via a list that some might understand and some might not.

  • Power in the Room: Such a variety I've witnessed...
    • Campus meetings
    • Book clubs and Sorority groups I've been a part of
    • Conferences, virtual and in-person
    • The classroom
    • Courses I've taken = Creative Commons Certification for Educators
  • Who has designed these spaces?
    • Who do they serve?
    • Who benefits?
  • Thinking on the idea of generous authority*
    • "Facilitator is equalizing, protecting, and hoping to connect to their guests." Have I ever experienced this? Yes. With the ungrading community online, the OER community, my book club, the CC course, and hopefully in my own classroom at times...
  • What can the inequitable spaces I've been in learn from the equitable ones?
    • Soft starts. How is everyone? What is the pulse of the room?
    • "Authority figure" takes feedback willingly...
    • There are multiple ways to participate and engage, not just one.
  • Connection to the hybrid/hyflex class model?
    • All students - online or f2f - choose how they engage with the course material.
    • The default is to put all materials online and make them accessible (audio, closed-captioning, screenreader-friendly, etc.) just in case a student can't make it to class f2f for whatever reason.
    • Learning happens everywhere.
  • Connection to future conference planning?

*This summary + analysis are coming from the slides, the article linked to above, as well as a recorded clip from the first webinar.

bitmojis of many diverse humans


  1. Thanks for this, Sybil. I love your soft starts concept for how inequitable spaces can learn from more equitable spaces... what are the little things, easy wins, to get started towards more equity. It is interesting how people bring up hyflex, because IEH was initially developed FOR hybrid conversations! Which are actually theoretically meant to promote equity but need very careful facilitation in order to truly be Equitable. I will post the video soon on YouTube so it is easier to share inshallah.


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