The same panic at a different disco, or a different panic at the same disco?

I’ve dipped myself into too many ponds. Too many social media sites. And I’ve put too much on my plate when it comes to campus obligations. {I’m middle aged; shouldn’t I have balance figured out by now?}

I thought I was doing the bare minimum last year, but I wasn’t. I was still too involved in presenting and webinars and the planning of TYCAMW23. I remember, then, in May, I said “no more presentations for a year.” 

What does my life, my teaching life, look like with JUST serving on two committees? With ONLY worrying about classes… and not meetings and not new courses and not compiling another textbook and not the future of the college and not concerning myself with what others think of hybrid classes or general education or the Liberal Arts?

What does it look like to be a program coordinator who focuses in on JUST caring for those in her department and not trying to adjust the perspectives of others? What would have been different this semester if I would not have had TYCAMW23 or the Faculty Senate presidency on my plate?

So, all of this is a stream-of-consciousness analysis and metaphor for my social media life, too. I’m trying to do too much, and I need to narrow it all down to FB and IG and Pinterest. Probably. Hopefully. Ugh.


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