In The Mix

I have a lot of projects to complete, or consider, so I need a spot to think them through. Sort them out. Ponder what they could be. And that’s this space today! Okay, chronologically:

  • Intersession, ENGL 120. This is a condensed 3-week course that starts December 18.
  • HUM 101. The first four weeks of summer, mid-May to early June. Whether this course fills/goes during the summer or not, I’d still like to offer it in the fall online, too.
  • ENGL 220. This course is already in our system, so I’d like to offer it in the fall (HyFlex).
Intersession requires the least amount of prep. I do want to really dive into ways the students can get feedback from me and others in that cramped amount of time. Yes, they’re writing a lot, too, and that’s one element that will be intense, but if they feel like they’re getting quality feedback - from me, classmates, Brainfuse, and robots - maybe it’ll reassure them along the way?

HUM 101
I’ve started on the HUM 101 - Intro to the Humanities: What Does It Mean To Be Human? - schedule and contents and OER. If I had to guess, I’d say I’m at the halfway point of having that course ready. I do have all of spring semester to prep it; however, if this semester is any indication of how busy I’ll be, I might not get around to it as easily as I have in semesters of the past (you know, pre-PC and Senate Prez).

ENGL 220
Intro to Lit, ENGL 220, is only on my radar. I’ve discovered some syllabi, I’ve found some OER that are very white-washed and/or boring, I’ve wondered how much of my creative writing OER could be remixed into this textbook (examples of poetry and fiction, for example), and I’ve decided that using chatbots could be part of the plan, as well as had the idea that this textbook needs a history chapter (similar to the children’s lit OER).

The best plan for the rest of this year would be to prep the Intersession, then flip flop back and forth between prepping the humanities course and the intro to lit course.


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