
I don't know where to start with this blog entry. Let's just say a lot has happened since my last entry, and of course, that always chucks me right into reflection mode. So, here are some thoughts I've had about teaching...

  • Why is it that caring more about students has caused me more stress, instead of less, with my peers?
  • If many of the teachers who inspired us WERE NOT JERKS, why do we insist on that attitude with our own students? 
    • Why IS the default to be unkind to students and to share "war stories"? Do they make us feel superior? Is this the only way teachers can bond?


I shared with some ungrading folks my recent thoughts, and I received lots of support as well as a link to this video which recaps a book on belonging.
  • If I don't feel like I belong on my campus, and I am a white middle-aged lady with progressive stances, it shouldn't surprise me - or others - that some students don't feel like they belong either.
  • Does higher ed, in general, need workshops on belonging? Because when it comes to my particular campus, if we all felt valued by others and that we belonged and that what we did mattered... I wonder how the vibes would change? 
    • Did we lose each other when covid hit and we shifted into questioning how teaching could be "done" and done well? 
    • Is that where I've observed a before and after with our campus? Maybe. Did we have silos before? Sure, but I think when certain programs easily went online/remote and others had to scramble with their labs, they easily felt left behind. They possibly didn't feel like they belonged. They started to give other departments and programs more of a side-eye than they would've in the past.


I would like to end with this: That each time I've felt the stress in me increase or my anxiety take over, students are there to calm me. My interactions with them, beyond the classroom or in the classroom, are always wonderful. They keep me grounded.

“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” --- G.K. Chesterton
“If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” — Sir Ken Robinson


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