Reflections for a Caturday

I have promised myself many times this semester - and been successful many times - that I should block out “school stuff” and not check email on the weekends. But I have too much on my mind after this last week, especially after a particular Friday meeting, that I need to use writing/blogging as my therapy.

So, here’s this thought to begin with: Why is it that making fun of students is the default for some educators? Why am I out in left field - looking like “I’ve gone soft” - with my defense and support of students, no matter their career paths? Why am I not the default? Why are my thoughts not in the majority? I doubt it’s because I’m that much of a rebellious thinker.

Here’s another thought: What is the point of our institution and others? To rank and sort or to assist students in learning, no matter their goals or pathways? Sometimes it’ll feel like everyone is on board with the latter statement and talks that talk about “hands on learning” but the minute they have to put it into practice, they resort to the former statement and really dig in their heels.

In a chat with someone a while back, I asked what her children were doing in their district. “It’s all about choice and voice” was the message. This idea has stuck with me. I’ve reflected upon it heavily. If I have have voice in what to do that’s best for my students, not only do I feel valued, but that gives me choices in materials and approaches and modalities and technologies. If our students feel they have choice and voice, they too will learn and succeed AND feel that we value them for who they are and not what program they enroll in. For incoming students to see faculty who are content and students who are learning (not ranked, not discouraged), what an impact!


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