My First List of "PC" Reflections...

I guess I technically have one full semester "under my belt" as a program coordinator, so here are some reflections on what I've learned thus far...

  • It's a lot more email. But unfortunately, it's not the silly-almost-annoying kinds of email from students; no, it's more info dumping from others or requests from others and forwards from others and constant bookstore requests and WOW.
    • I told someone the other day that I truly miss the "what did we do in class?" emails from students. I do.
  • It's a helluva lot more trouble-shooting, especially the schedule. 
    • It's a puzzle that has a 1000 pieces and those pieces change shape while you're sleeping.
  • I've reflected more on why I'm teaching, why I do all things I do, and what my purpose is.
  • I've observed so much more about others, and what occurred to me today - and caused me to blog out this entry - is that a lot of my energy is spent on tweaking my messages to others and pondering who I can trust
    • I don't want to emotionally dump on anyone either, so I've started keeping a lot on the inside. I'm censoring myself even more so than before, and I'm sure people thought I rarely did as a "typical faculty member," but, yes, it's true.
    • If I do need to "barf" my emotions, I do so sideways, as a wise little librarian taught me.
I am definitely going to embrace the idea of REST as much as possible over winter break, even though I'll be teaching intersession and possibly still finding myself emerging in and out of email chains...


Happy Holidays, y'all & godspeed!


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